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It is not composed of books or even written texts, the personal exhibition by Michele Fabbricatore entitled "Fabbricatore racconta Italo Calvino", but of sculptures and reliefs of semi-refractory ceramics and of watercolors and etchings that have as protagonists the main characters of the writer's tales Sanremese Italo Calvino.
Just take new eyes, new perspectives, and new perspectives for catapulting into the events of Cosimo Piovasco di Rondò, the Baron Rampante, whose centenary is its rise from the elf, of the Visconte Medardo di Terralba, the Halved Viscount, of Agilulfo, of Marco Polo reinterpreted with a very personal stylistic figure by the Pistoia artist.
The links with literary, mythological and fairy tales are in fact the ones that characterize the works of the Florentine artist of birth, but of Pistoia's adoption.
The Artist has been exhibiting continuously since 2000 in art galleries and museums in Italy and abroad. Recent exhibitions in Dallas, the United States, Gottingem and Berlin in Germany, Bath in England and the Luzzatti Museum of Porta Siberia in Genoa, where the exhibition "Michele Fabbricatore - L'Orlando Furioso" was set up.

The exhibition, curated by Gioia Quicquaro, will be open until saturday 1 July every day, at the Galleria d'Arte La Mongolfiera in via Roma 50 in Sanremo, from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm and from 4 pm to 8 pm except Monday morning and Holidays.

For further information: 0184 508554 - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - ​​