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The exhibition "Fabbricatore racconta Italo Calvino" continues until 1st July

The exhibition "Fabbricatore racconta Italo Calvino" continues until 1st July

Inaugurated on June 10, the exhibition "Fabbricatore racconta Italo Calvino" continues successfully in Sanremo at the La Mongolfiera art gallery.

Sculptures, reliefs, watercolors  made by the Tuscan artist revisit the characters of Sanremo's writings by catapulting us into a world full of irony and lightness.
Michele Fabbricatore, born in Florentine, is a young artist who has been exhibiting continuously since 2000 in art galleries and museums in Italy and abroad and is thus becoming internationally established. The recent exhibitions in Dallas, the United States, Gottingem and Berlin in Germany, Bath in England and the Luzzati Museum of Porta Siberia in Genoa, where the exhibition "Michele Fabbricatore - L'Orlando Furioso" was set up.

The exhibition, curated by Gioia Quicquaro, will be open until 1 July 2017 every day at the Galleria d'Arte La Mongolfiera in Via Roma 50 in Sanremo, from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm and from 4 pm to 8 pm except Monday morning and holidays.

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